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So let's get to it!

Guitar Online Lessons

As promised, I've found another set of good guitar online lessons. I've mentioned the Gibson Guitar website before, but they just started a new set of lessons with a guitar playing legend - Mr. ...

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Les Paul - The Loss of a Legend

Mr. Les Paul was known as the Father of the Electric Guitar, and pretty much set the standard for every solid-body guitar that came after the Les Paul.

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Music Man Guitars

Music Man guitars built quite a following of iconic artists throughout the years. Some of the more notable players...

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Orange Guitar Amps


Orange Music Electronic Company, Ltd. has come a long way since the summer of '68. in 2006, Cliff Cooper received the Queen's Award for Enterprise at Buckingham Palace for his contribution to international trade with the success of Orange guitar amps.

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Pedal Boards

Effects pedal boards are one of the most lusted after items on a musician`s wish list. An effects pedal board can mean different things to different people, though. For some it can be as simple as mounting pedals on a board, but to others it`s a floor-based multi-effects processor.

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Recommended Guitar Products to boost your skills

One of the reasons I started this website was to research recommended guitar products so I could pass that information on to you. As I travel around the World Wide Web, I've gotten to know all sorts of guitar websites, guitar lesson courses and tools you can use to improve your playing.

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Playing Rhythm Like The Masters: Keith Richards

Playing Rhythm Keith Richards Style guitar lesson by Anders Mouridsen of

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Free Video Guitar Lesson: AC/DC Style

Angus Young AC/DC Style Lesson I guitar lesson by Prashant Aswani of

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Electric Guitar Amps

After you've picked out your guitar, you're going to need to look at electric guitar amps. Or at least

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Fret Buzz

Fret buzz is an irritating sound from one or more strings when you pick or strum the strings on your guitar. As you're starting out, it may not bother you...

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