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Notes For The Guitar - Flat NotesE String (Sixth String)The top string of your guitar is the E string. This is the thickest string, and also called the sixth string. When you pluck the open string (open is when you're not pressing a finger on the fingerboard), this note is E natural. Following the charts, the next natural guitar notes on this string are F natural and G natural. Use your first and third fingers to play these. A String (Fifth String)The fifth string is tuned to the A natural note. On the A string, the next guitar notes for the major scale are B and C natural, shown in the charts. Play these notes with your middle and ring fingers D String (Fourth String)The D string is next in line and the fourth string. The open natural note is D, followed by E and F natural, played with your second and third fingers, respectively. You'll notice that with the sixth string, we started with E natural. On the fourth string, the D natural completes the guitar notes for the scale. So you've completed an octave (starting the scale over again at a higher pitch on the next note) - pat yourself on the back! G String (Third Sting)The G string only has two notes, the G natural note played from the open position and the A natural note with your middle finger at the second fret. This is the third string in the sequence. B String (Second String)The second string in open position is the B natural note. This is followed by the C natural note played at the first fret with your index finger and the D natural on the third fret. Use your ring finger here.
e String (First String)The high e string is known as the first string on guitar and completes the guitar notes for both electric and acoustic guitar. This is the thinnest string on your guitar. Just like the sixth string, the notes are E natural, F natural and G natural.
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