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Just fill out the form below and click ‘Send’ to get started today!

Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in.
How long have you been playing music?*
What other musical instruments do you currently play? (Please check all that apply)
Bass Guitar
Other (please fill in the box below)
Who are your favorite bands/guitarists?*
What styles of music do you want to learn? (Please check all that apply)*
Classic Rock
Other (please fill in the box below)
What are your long-term musical goals? (Please check all that apply)*
For my own personal enjoyment
I want to play like my favorite guitarist
I want to jam with my friends
I want to join/form a band
I want to write/record my own songs
I want to become a professional musician
I want to learn different styles of music
I want to teach guitar
Other goal (please fill in the box below)
What three guitar-playing aspects are you struggling with right now?*
If I could help you improve on one of those challenges over the next 90 days, which would it be?*
First Name*
Last Name*
E-mail Address*
Home Phone*
Cell Phone
Best time to call?*

Please enter the word that you see below.


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